Thursday, February 24, 2011

mr. stay puft marshmallow man

Anyone who knows Will, or really any of our boys, knows that once they get into something, they eat, live, and breathe it...until the next thing comes along.  In the past there has been Indiana Jones, Titanic, and now the latest thing is Ghostbusters, and more specifically Mr. Stay Puft.  Santa brought the Ghostbusters movies to Will, along with a die-cast Ghostbusters car, and a Mr. Stay Puft bank.  Will loves this thing, and he LOVES to draw Mr. Stay Puft.  I found this series of pictures the other day and knew I had to write about them and show them off.  One thing that will always calm Will down is a piece of paper and a pencil.  So here are Will's sketches of the progression of the Ghostbusters--first in their car, and on to the hotel room (with the chandelier), and finally to the top of a building in New York City to fight off one of the biggest, messiest, and worst villians in history--MR. STAY PUFT MARSHMALLOW MAN.


Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

Will makes us laugh - gotta love this action sequence of his Mr. Stay Puff

Alisha Joy said...

=) Love this story!