Saturday, February 7, 2009


I was just thinking about how many questions we, as parents, are asked on a weekly/daily/hourly basis? I kept track of some of them this week, and here are the best of them:

Conversation in car on the way home from school with Ben
Mom: Who did you eat lunch with today?
Ben: Sophia and Hughie
Mom: Do you ever talk to Bella anymore?
Ben: Mmmm...sometimes. We only have one marriage left before she dumps me--at least that's what she said. *asks so innocently* Mom, what does dump mean?

Conversation at home with Ben
Ben: Mom, do I have to keep my last name when I get older?
Mom: Why? Don't you like your last name?
Ben: I do, but I want to change my last name to Spiderwick and then name one of my boys Arthur. Don't you think that would be cool?! *again, asked so innocently*

Jake and Jaycie playing in the front room
both: Hey, will you take pictures of us with our "power" stuff on?!?!

standing in parking lot at Soldier Hollow to go tubing (forgot camera)
Ben and Jake: Mom, where are our coats? (whoops, forgot those...and Will's snow boots! But it was a beautiful day, so luckily they survived!!)

What's better than the new season of shows starting in the fall? The new shows starting in January!! These are our favorites! What's yours?

Why are there so many, songs about rainbows; and what's on the other side?

(I couldn't resist these pictures I took as I left Kaysville today. They have the most beautiful sunsets up there)


Callisto said...

Haha! Those questions made me laugh out loud. Your boys have personality in spades. :D

Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

Someday your boys will get the biggest kick out of what you have done to keep a record of all the adorable/funny/cute things they say and do. Sending our love.