Saturday, April 4, 2009

wizards, witches and wands

Almost every weekend Will and Ben have a sleepover in Will's big bed...last Friday night Jake wanted to join in on the fun. Since he's the outsider, he got to sleep in the middle! They needed their sleep for what was going to happen the next day...

During our California road trip when the boys became obsessed with Harry Potter, Ben had insisted on having all his neighborhood friends over for a HP party to watch the movie and make all kinds of stuff. He bugged and bugged for the longest time, and it really wasn't until a week ago Thursday that we got it together and got the invitations out, via owl mail. Our boys got their own invitation as well. (Ben wrote the whole invitation--I just typed it and printed it out)

The boys got up early the morning of the party and from that point on, minus the hour+ Jake and I spent helping to clean the church, we(?) worked like mad dogs to get everything ready. I told Ben if he wanted this party that he had to plan it all and he really did a good job and was a great help getting it ready.

Platform 9 3/4 was located right between platforms 9 and 10...of course!

First thing Ben did when someone arrived was to sort them into their school "house." As luck would have it, all the boys ended up on Gryffindor and the few girls there were in Slytherin.

We started off with a quick game--guess how many "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean" is in the jar. Matthew won easily...he must be a math whiz because if I rememeber right, he was the one who won the jar of tootsie rolls at our halloween party! I didn't get a picture of it, but there were 250 in this little jar--Matthew guessed somewhere around 200, while everyone else was around 100 or below. For that, he got the jar of beans, plus some of the real Every Flavor Beans, like dirt, diaper wipes, boogies, vomit, etc.

We then went into the movie, and it was so crazy I almost forgot to take any pictures. Photo 1 is the treat trolley, and photo 2 is everyone sitting still, at least for 2 seconds!

Everyone complied with the request to bring a broom for the game--we even had a Firebolt show up, nice!

It didn't take long for a room full of kids to get restless--after all, it was a beautiful day outside (around 60 degrees) and the middle of the afternoon. Once the popcorn and candy were gone, they were ready to head out, so we stopped the movie and out we went. Ben started with his version of "Quidditch," a wizard's game. Bless Ben's heart, but it didn't go over so well, but we had other backups. Next was making your own wand, which was a big hit. I found dowels and some leather remnants, along with some glitter pipe cleaners and suede pieces, and with glue and markers they each made their own amazing creations.

Aydan--Jack--Adam. At least I got a picture of a few of them! It was fun to have cousins Jack, Aydan and Ike around for part of the party. And I love Adam's wand with all the glitter!!
Not the best picture ever of Will, but just think Harry Potter meets Indiana Jones--he switched characters half way through the party!! (I think he was in the middle of a sneeze!)

There was plenty of playing going on, (Jake and friends Adam and Nathan trying to get Danielle to pull all of them!) but Ben was totally in his element and didn't care if nobody else at that point wanted to make spell books. When friends were tired of running around they came back to sit down and finish either their wands or spell books.
I did have to have one surprise that Ben didn't know about--potions class! He loves surprises!!

Thomas is always a character, and he did a real good job on his spell book. They were all so creative, making up their own spells and charms. Last, but not least, was the sorcer's stones they colored. Nathan is checking out his cool rock!

The party was a blast, and after they all left Ben said, "I miss my friends already!" He's such a partier!! I wonder what he will talk me into next...

Maybe some real HP glasses so he won't have to draw his own on next time!!

p.s. Since I didn't get to say it before, congrats to Brenda and JD--Sydney Sue was born last Sunday, and as soon as we all get better around here we are finally going to get to see her!!


Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

Oh the creative mind of Mr. Ben; indeed, what will he take you to next?! Love you.

LaRose Crew said...

You win COOL MOM of the YEAR for that one! Way cute, Heather. Wish we lived closer so we could get some owl post!

Alisha Joy said...

What fun! Great ideas!!

Brandon and Lori said...

The boys had a blast! Thanks for letting them come, what a lot of work.

Liz said...

What a cute idea!! Very cool!!

Julie V. said...

Thomas had so much fun. You are such a fun mom. I wish I was that nice, well maybe not. I'll let you do all the work. lol