Tuesday, July 7, 2009

jake's firsts

This will be short, sweet and to the point...literally!! And I'm talking about this post, not Jake's hair...
After a few weeks of coaxing/brainwashing, on the day we were going to Brenda's last week for haircuts, Jake agreed to get his hair buzzed:

Isn't it just the cutest thing on him?! I knew a buzz would be so cute on him, and it fits him perfectly. Of course, the other two were not going to have anything to do with a buzz, which was just fine with me!
Since Jake was already experiencing firsts, we might as well throw in his first tooth to come out! I kind of heard Jake and Daren in the bathroom Sunday night, and it went something like this:

Jake--Dad, look I have a loose tooth!

Daren, aka: Daddy--Yes you do. Why don't you try pulling it out?

Jake--Ok. *pulls on it and yanks his own tooth out* Yea! I did it!!!!!! *Then comes running to find me and show me his teeny tiny tooth. (He has very small teeth)

When Jake showed Ben and Will his new treasure, Ben had to go find his kindergarten journal to show Jake how he lost his first tooth in dance class at school. You can see Jake's new tooth growing in, and the tooth next to it is already loose--however, I was able to keep him from pulling out his new loose tooth by telling him that it's not loose enough yet. That might keep him from doing it for at least a day!! I don't think the tooth fairy was very prepared for that, but she did alright! ;)
Good job Jakers!! You have been one brave boy this week and I sure love you extra! One of these days, though, you'll have to quit growing up so fast!!!!!!!!!!!


The Rasch's said...

I love the buzz cut on him. He looks so cute. Good job Jake!! (on losing the tooth) Love you all!

Julie V. said...

Wow Jake, you look so different with the new hair cut and the missing tooth. The look is WAY handsome!
I have the same cutting cape by the way :p

Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

For some reason, Jake looks more grown up with the buzz--don't you think? Very, very cute. Love you!

Ba and Scott said...

New haircut and loosing teeth. How fun! What is the tooth fairy paying these days? : )