Monday, October 19, 2009

someday i'll miss it

The other day there were a few things that happened around here to make me think about our boys and what they are like right now in their lives. School is moving right along, and we are all busy with so many things going on, and as I looked around it made me think, "This is crazy right now, but someday I'll look back and miss it." Take Ben for example. He loves to draw and write books whenever he can. This is a comic book he is working on, and he will spend endless amounts of time and leave a mess of markers and papers all over the table, his desk, or wherever, which can drive us crazy! But maybe one day he won't like doing this anymore--the table will be clean, his desk will be clean, etc. Then how boring will that be? Ok, maybe that is a stretch...a clean desk?? Ben not write books?? Who am I kidding?!!

This is a sample of his latest book he created, "Pirate's Aren't My Buddys." This is a whole other story, which I won't get into right now, but suffice it to say, he really wants to be a writer and to get a book published. (Note--To quote Ben the other day: "I don't want to write books for money; I want to do it because I love it. Some people love money like Mr. Crabs loves money, but not me." Maybe someday he might love money, or at least need some...good luck honey!)
Ben also loves to read books, which is where he usually gets his ideas for his own books (along with movies). Right now his favorite time to read is during meal time, and he will do everything he can to sneak a book to the table. When I ask him to put it down his usual response is, "But Mom, don't you want me to read? I love to read and you won't let me." We'll just say his teacher's at school have never been worried about his reading time at home.

The latest series of books he has been reading is called the "Time Warp Trio." They travel to other times in the past and also the future, which has prompted Ben to think what the future will be like. One afternoon he, Jake, and Jaycie transformed themselves into kids of the future. (Ben asked me, "Mom, do I look like a kid from 2095?" "Umm, sure!" I said.) In these pictures Ben was trying out his "anti-gravity disc." (This was what he googled earlier: "what is an anti-gravity disc? will people in the future ride 3 feet in the air on them?" What kind of response do you think he got?!)
The whole 2095 gang with the anti-gravity disc.

This is one of my favorite pictures I have ever taken! Since these two are sure they are going to get married (for reals) someday, wouldn't this be perfect on their wedding invites?!

And off they go to explore the neighborhood.

Will didn't want to join the others at first, but then he thought better of it and put on his Indiana Jones outfit and was off to find them with his whip and all.

When I came back inside I took one look around and about died about the mess these guys had made in such a short time. After a minute, though, I just had to laugh about it and grabbed my camera.
I had to laugh about it because they were so cute and having so much fun. This stage won't last forever, so I'd better enjoy it while it's here, because someday I'll miss it.


Julie V. said...

If Jake and Jaycie get hitched "for reals" then that awesome photo needs to be the one.
I think it is good you want to value the messes. I am trying to embrace it too, to a certain extent.
Was my lens involved in any of your last two posts?

Liz said...

Cute boys! I love the picture of them heading out in their Indiana Jones gear. Great way to look at some of the many messes our kiddies leave behind them! Time does go by amazingly fast these days!

Alisha Joy said...

I will admit I started to tear up. . . Jed and I were just talking about the stuff our kids have grown out of. Makes you proud and breaks your heart at the same time. Loved the post.