Thursday, August 26, 2010


With my camera still in the shop getting fixed, I have kind of neglected my computer as well, but sometimes a break from it all is good. There are a couple of things to write about though, so here I am, camera or not.

I love this picture of Ben I took back in June--to me it shows what a fun and crazy kid he can be at times. I love it when he sneaks over to me and asks me to go jump on the tramp with just him--it's our thing. So, a couple weeks ago Ben was going on and on about how great it would be to be the parent, because then he would have all the money in the world to spend, blah, blah if that's all I do! Well, I took him up on his request and suggested we switch roles for a day. That way I could read all day, with a few minor jobs around the house to do. Our day to switch was last Thursday. First thing when he got up (about 7-ish) he had to get Will ready for school. He got Will's breakfast together (Cheerios) and packed Will a lunch and made sure all of Will's homework was in his backpack. At 7:21am Ben said to me, "Mom, if I start to get really annoyed by doing this parent thing, can I just stop doing it?" That didn't take long at all!! However, I still took full advantage of our switch by making sure Ben knew he had to clean up and put away things from breakfast, and that there was lots of laundry to do. Did I purposely load him up? He might say yes, but really it was just a typical day's worth of stuff to do. By noon he was ready to throw in the towel, and we were leaving for the afternoon anyway, so he got out of the rest of it, but I think he learned a thing or two about running a house. And he didn't spend a dime for that kind of education!! I think I got ripped off, though, because I didn't get any reading done or play any video games.

We have been feeling a bit Ben-less around here this week. He left last Sunday to go to California until tomorrow (Friday) to spend time with Gma and Gpa Airplane, Gma Waterwheel, and other family. It was kind of a brutal send-off: first of all, I had to pay $100 just to accompany him through security to his gate, and then I had to wait to leave the gate until the plane had taken off. Didn't sound too bad until his airplane's engines couldn't get started and they sat there for almost 2 hours!! He made it there safely though, and had a touch of homesickness the first night ("Grandma, it wasn't allergies earlier. I just miss my mom and dad."--Ben talking about his watery eyes earlier), but he has been having a blast ever since, and isn't sure he wants to leave. We have missed him around here, so we'll take him back.

So that's our life with Ben right now. He makes me laugh all the time, and we love him for it!!!


sayfuzzypickles said...

Wow, you have given me the best idea ever. I want to switch places with Thomas. How fun you two!!! He cracks me up with the whole, if he gets annoyed thing. Hahaha! He's a fun kid and you are definitely a fun mom.

Alisha Joy said...

Fun! So excited him and River and FINALLY in a class together!

Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

Switching places? Brilliant! You have one special boys there, for sure. We will be marinating in the memories of last week with him for a long time.