Friday, October 10, 2008

ensign peak

For Young Women's this week we combined with the Young Men and hiked up Ensign Peak, which overlooks the whole Salt Lake Valley. Bishop Christensen came with us and spoke to everyone about the history of that peak when Brigham Young and the first pioneers came to the valley.

It's hard to imagine Brigham Young looking over this valley to see just a vast desert area when all we can see are the lights of cars, homes, businesses, etc. I know it took a lot of hard work to even survive back then, and it makes me so grateful for their faith and sacrifices. We are truly blessed to live here among such good people.

1 comment:

Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

What would Brigham Young and the pioneers appreciate? More people like you, people who are grateful for the sacrifices they made. The more experiences we can have to remember and appreciate the sacrifices of those who came before us in this great country, the better!