Monday, October 5, 2009

in the navy (helicopter)

Last Wednesday we had a fun family outing. Daren got word through the FD that there were a couple of Navy helicopters out at the airport, free for viewing for a couple of hours. We took our neighbors and friends, Ronnie and Jaycie, with us--they help keep the boys entertained, and in line.

They were carrying missles with them...fortunately not loaded!

Anyone ready to jump?! The boys really wanted to go for a ride, but they had to settle for just sitting in the pilot's seat, which was still really cool.
Somewhere up there is Jaycie and Jake. As we were getting ready to go see the helicopters, both Jaycie and Jake were telling me how serious they were about "really getting married someday...for reals!"

It's hard to tell, but it was so stinkin' cold out there that day! The wind was blowing, and there was a cold front that had moved in (it's still here!) so we about froze out in the open at the airport, but it was a lot of fun. Even the pilot got in on our fun--the kids were cracking him up. We topped the outing off with a trip to La Frontera after--mine and Daren's old mowing stomping grounds. Fun, fun!


Callisto said...

How fun! I'm massively jealous of your helicopter adventure.

Alisha Joy said...
