Wednesday, April 7, 2010


easter eve
We had such a fun Easter weekend, spending lots of time with family. First up was the annual Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt at Brenda's house Saturday night. We started with haircuts there, and then on to the hunt. I didn't get any great pictures outside, but there were definitely some fun ones inside.
Anticipating the hunt!
Will finished his hunt early after he realized he didn't get the golden egg. He snuck inside to open his eggs and eat as much candy as he could before anyone realized he was missing!! I think he finished off most of his candy.
the loot
Daren was at the fire station so he missed out

easter day
It was a beautiful Easter morning with about 2 inches of new snow outside, the sun peeking through, and boys sleeping in. Once they woke up they were on the hunt for their baskets--the Easter bunny was kind of lazy this year because it didn't send them on a very long hunt, what a rip-off!
Daren brought the boys home a surprise from the fire station: each of them got their own Camelbak backpacks. They were so excited and were ready to go on a hike then and there!

We went to Brandon and Lori's for lunch and an easter egg hunt that day--more family good times!!

After we "hid" all the eggs outside in plain sight, Grandma gave bags and instructions to each kid, and then off they went.

What a haul!
Ben LOVES getting tickled by Grandma--it's their thing.
Jake tried showing Sydney how easy it is to ride a skateboard...especially when it's on a downslope. "See, there's nothing to it!"

The afternoon ended with a ride in Baby Blue--what a sweet truck!

I'm so glad Easter is over and most of the sugar is gone. Now I don't have to be tempted
by any more Cadbury Eggs...except for the ones I have hidden in my office to finish!


Julie V. said...

Looks like the Easter Bunny likes your kids a lot! I love the camelback backpacks and the directors thingymajig.

Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

For some crazy reason, most of our major holidays involve candy, and lots of it. Looks like it was a very happy Easter for everyone. We were thinking of you all day. Sending our love - hug, hug, kiss, kiss!

Alisha Joy said...

You are a champion blogger!! I mean seriously! Loved reading it all, great recording of those little moments. And thanx again for taking a picture of River at famous person day . . . ugh! I really need to get better!