Saturday, April 3, 2010

finally, it's spring...I mean snowing

I have lived in Utah for most of my life, and I continue to be amazed at what can happen during the springtime here. It was around 60+ degrees on Monday and Tuesday, and then this is what it looked like by the time Will got home from school at 11am Wednesday morning.
Will came in from the bus, dropped his backpack, and asked for his snow boots and snow pants and was out in the backyard less than 5 minutes later. Can you tell we had our lawn aerated the day before?! It was a dirty snowman.
The snowball for the snowman started clear on the other side of the yard and wound it's way around. Will pointed out that it looked like a snake with a long tail.
Will has been waiting since Christmas for another snowstorm to build a snowman, so we built it as big as we could so it would least for a couple of days.
Will's finishing touches was the carrot nose and then drawing on his smile. Poor guy tipped over within a couple of hours, and now 3 days later it has almost completely melted. That's ok, though, because the grass is starting to grow and turn green--just in time for more snowstorms coming soon!

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