Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was sitting on Jake's bed with Will on my lap after our nighttime prayers tonight, just settling in to read a book before bed, when Ben came in the room. He walked over to Jake's "journal," picked it up, and said to Jake, "Jake, because I am your very best friend, can I please read your journal?" Jake thought about it for a sec, and then replied, "sure." Immediately Will crumbled down, seemingly heartbroken, and wailed to Jake, "But Jake, I thought I was your best friend. Now my heart is ripped!!" Jake couldn't help but to laugh out loud because it was so cute and funny (I tried to contain my laughter), but Will was not amused.


Lynette M. said...

your kids say the cutest things! Where do they come up with all these?

Grandpa and Grandma Peel said...

Ooooh...has Will's heart healed?

Julie V. said...

Will hasn't learned the finer skills of sibling manipulation yet, has he? Poor kid! so cute