Monday, February 21, 2011


I have no pictures to go with this post today, but I had to write this down anyway.  The boys love weekends so they can stay in their pajamas from sun up to sun down.  They change clothes only if absolutely necessary, like for church.  Well, until now.

Going to church is not Will's favorite thing in the world, but yesterday he found a way to combine his weekend attire and his church attire, I'm sure to feel more comfy at church.  He put off getting ready for church until the last second, so when he emerged from the basement dressed for church I was just happy to see his church clothes on.  When we got home from church all three boys raced in the house to see who could get his pajamas on first--everything is a race around here.  Will quickly spoke up, "I win!!"  I looked at him, curiously, and then he started to get undressed.  "I already have my pajamas on Mom."  Huh?  I knew he occasionally wore his shirt from the morning under his church shirt, but this day he decided to wear his church pants over his pajama pants.  And just like that, his church clothes were on the floor and voila, instant pajamas!  Maybe I'll try that sometime...


The Rasch's said...

That is AWESOME Will!!!!

Darren said...

I remember when Liam was about 4 and he felt the same way about his jammies. He had some that said "Fire Dog" on the front and they were about one size too small. He stashed the jammies in our church bag and during sacrament he pulled them out and started taking his church clothes off! It was hilarious and I can totally understand why these kids love it-it's just too dang comfortable...I think I'm going to try keeping mine on under my church clothes next week-thanks for the idea, haha.